What is Yellow Dog Village?

Yellow Dog Village is a charming and spooky little ghost town tucked away in Armstrong County, near Worthington, PA. This village, born in the 1920s, was originally a bustling hub for miners working for the Pittsburgh Limestone Corporation. Its unique name comes from the "Yellow Dog Contracts" that the miners signed, giving up their rights to join unions. Over the years, as the mining industry dwindled, the village slowly emptied out, leaving behind a fascinating time capsule of mid-20th-century life. Click here for more info on the Yellow Dog Village history!

Today, Yellow Dog Village stands as a beautifully eerie ghost town, with ongoing efforts to preserve its history, and it also serves small as a private family farm featuring many crops, sheep, goats, geese, chickens, rabbits, and a cow! We currently offer tours, camping grounds, and more. Please feel free to contact us directly or book a tour if you’d like to come explore the property or host an event here!

Meet our village mascot: Aloosh!

This sassy little guy is a such a local celebrity! Meet Aloosh! Aloosh was born as the runt. His mom refused to nurse him and he was neglected by the rest of the sheep at the farm. So we nursed him by hand and raised him as if he was our own precious little baby boy, because he is! Fast forward a few months and this chunky little boy stomps around the farm like he owns the place! (because he does!)

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